July 23, 2007

Zucchini Bread and Job Applications

I made zucchini bread for the very first time ever last night. It was going great until I realized I read the directions wrong and put all of the ingredients in the bowl in the wrong order. I do that all the time... you'd think I'd eventaully learn, but noooo... I guess I'm just too impatient! But I figured it all gets mixed together anyways, so I just continued on my way and baked two loaves. It came out so yummy! I feel like a real Southern Indiana wife now that I've made my own homemade zucchini bread!

Job search update: I turned in 3 different applications for aide jobs in at the school corporation office today and am on the lookout for more. My first pick would be at the school I did my student teaching at, but at this point I just really hope I get an interview anywhere. I'm more than qualified for each position, but I've come to terms with the fact that it's more about who you are and who you know, rather than what you can do that counts in this county, which is rather unfortunate. Oh well... I'll just keep plugging along until something comes along. Things will happen when they are meant to happen. And if I can't find anything this year, I'll just keep subbing and look again next year. Only 17 more days of summer! Gotta enjoy them while I can and worry about all this stuff later!


Jada said...

I just wanted you to know that I made my first ever zucchini bread about 3 weeks ago and I did the same thing with the ingredients! I guess it really doesn't matter cause it turned out great!