July 3, 2007

My furry little babies

Since I have nothing especially compelling or clever to say today, I decided to put the spotlight on the funny little creatures that make my life a lot more interesting.

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These are my furry little babies, Scout and Ringo. They are pretty much the light of our lives (yes, I'll admit, we're those crazy animal people who treat their pets like children).

Scout is a 1-1/2 year old lab/bulldog/beast mix. We adopted her in April 2006 from an animal shelter near Bloomington as a birthday present for Mike. She is truly a gift that keeps on giving! While she may look calm in this picture, it is safe to say she is a very spirited dog. Her favorite thing to do is play. And play. And play. Whether it be a never-ending game of fetch, swimming in my parents' pool, or playing tug of war with "Uncle Buddy," my family's slighty neurotic Sheltie, she is always up for having some fun. And while she looks big, strong, and to some, a little intimidating, she has the sweetest personality. She loves everyone- adults, kids, dogs, cats... it doesn't matter. When she is not romping, she loves to snuggle and beg for food. We love our Scouty!

We also love Ringo. We got him in 2004 for my birthday. He came from a friend's family farm in Mike's hometown. He is cute and fluffy and extremely spoiled. When he's not perched in a window looking at birds or sleeping in his favorite yellow chair, he is meowing at us to pet him while he eats his food. I don't know why he likes it so much, but we are usually happy to oblige! And while it took him a while to get used to Scout, they get along pretty well. This picture is a rare sight in our house. Usually Ringo will walk in front of Scout, swishing his tail wildly until she takes off after him. They'll run around the hall until Ringo hides behind the couch and bats at Scout's face. This happens several times a day. He also like to stalk our resident gerbil, Homer. He sits ominously on top of his cage, but I think they might be friends too. Homer's gotten out 3 or 4 times, and each time we've found him, Ringo is crouched beside him, meowing, and Homer is safe and sound without a scratch.

So I might be a little biased, but I think we have the best pets in the world. They make us so happy. I know that without them, our life wouldn't be complete. Now if you'll excuse me, I feel the need to go cuddle a certain dog and cat!


Anonymous said...

Ringo looks like he just woke up from a drunken slumber... cross-eyed and wondering what he's doing in bed with a dog!

Anonymous said...

You don't have the best pets... unless you count Buddy. Then yes.

Buddy also wants to tell Scout that he got a new bone... he is proud.