July 1, 2007

Hello Blogland!

So I've finally entered blog land! Hooray! I've thought about blogging for a couple of years now, but have always come up with one excuse or another to not go through with it. But on a whim, I've decided to actually start one up. So here goes nothing!

I decided to call my blog "Tales of a Newlywed" because I am just that... a newlywed! I got married just about a month ago to a wonderful guy named Mike. We met about 3-1/2 years ago when we were both students at Indiana University (Go Hoosiers!). First we were neighbors, then friends, then we started dating. We got engaged in Dec. of 2005, moved back to my hometown in 2006, and got married on June 2, 2007. I feel so blessed that I can say I married my best friend!

On top of getting married, I recently graduated from college. I received a B.S. in Elementary Education from IU and am in the (long, frustrating) process of finding a teaching job. So there is a lot of change going on in my life at the moment. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing a great job with the transition, other times I feel like I am barely keeping my head afloat. But through the good, the bad, and the ugly, I have my supportive husband, my loving (and eccentric) family, some awesome friends and my faith. And for that, I'm the luckiest person in the world.