July 12, 2007

Mike got a job!!!!

Hooray!! In search of a job in the education realm, Mike interviewed at the Sylvan Learning Center, hoping to get hired on there as a tutor. After two long agonizing weeks, he got the call today offering him the job!!! He accepted, of course, and starts his training on Monday! After they get done breaking him in, he'll be tutoring 2-3 students at a time, teaching different subjects that the students struggle with. As of now, it looks like he'll be teaching some high school algebra and a course on organizational skills (ha, those of you who know Mike will get the joke!). He'll be working about 20 hours a week, with a decent hourly wage, plus he'll get more hours and higher pay the longer he works there. I think he's pretty excited that he finally found a job that suited him. Way to go Mike! I'm so proud of you!!!
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Newly Employed Man.... oh yeeeeeah!


Perri said...

YEAH!!! Congratulations!!!! I did laugh out loud at the thought of him teaching organizational skills.

I learn something new everytime I teach it - maybe he will too!

way to go Mike!