July 31, 2007

Busy Busy

I've been a busy girl the last few days.

This weekend we headed up to Indy for my baby cousin's baptism. She is such a cutie. The ceremony was very nice and they had the best cake I've ever eaten at the reception. That cake alone was worth the trip up there! We got her a book of Bible stories with fun little pictures that her big sister and brother can read to her. You can tell that we are a couple of teachers because we always end up giving kids books as gifts. Best presents ever, I think, although the kids may not agree!

While we were up that way, we visited our friend, Sarah, who just moved up there a couple of months ago. We checked out her new place, watched a movie and caught up with each other a little bit. After an accidental drive through the ghettos of Indy, we found our way to Bloomington where we stopped in to see our other friend, Nick, rode in his new car and got Mother Bear's Pizza. We took a new way home, missed our turn, got a little lost...the usual. I don't think we've ever been on a car trip together without getting turned around... one time Mike was driving us back to Indiana from Kentucky while I was sleeping. When I woke up, we were in Tennessee... go figure that one. It does keep us on our toes and the car rides interesting!

Today I went with Andi and Jacob, along with a whole cheering section of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, to her ultrasound to see the new baby and find out whether Miss Sophie was getting a little sister or brother. Turns out that it's a healthy, unmistakeable little boy, with the name Keegan Levi. After the ultrasound, my mom, sister and I grabbed some donuts (I dreamed about them all night long), then headed over with my mom to babysit Sophie while Andi went to work, Let me tell ya, I love that little girl. She was in a great mood, despite some sniffles, and wanted to play all day. I can't wait to meet the new little guy in a few months.

After that, I came home and took a much needed nap and have been pretty lazy the rest of the night. Ahhh, feels nice.


Perri said...

So much to talk about - First I was going to say that I love to give books too - and I love for my kids to get them.

then you went on to talk about Mother Bear's and OH MY GOSH, I want me some Mother Bear's now but then..

You talked about my grand- babies.

What a beautiful all encompassing post of some of my most favorite things!

I'm so glad you guys got to come today. I think we should have taken donuts. I saw you guys whizzing in there when I had to stop for gas.

Andi said...

Mmmm- Mother Bear's. I want.

Sophie LOVES you guys!