July 28, 2007

Best. Thing. Ever.

Those of you who know our dog, Scout, knows that she is practically a walking muscle with a tail. She is the strongest dog I've ever met. Despite our training efforts, it is almost impossible to take her for a walk without being pulled along like an Iditarod champion or having our limbs ripped out of socket. Needless to say, Scout hasn't been for a good long walk in quite a while.

Yesterday at Target I was browsing the pet section when I came across the Gentle Leader Head Collar. It caught my attention because it advertised itself as the #1 vet recommended collar that stops pulling and jumping. With nothing else working for our beast of a dog, I decided to give it a go and shell out the $20, thinking it better be worth it. Being the skeptical person that I am, I decided to hold on to my receipt so I could bring the "miracle collar" back, mangled and shredded, and laugh as I read the product guarantee to the poor sales associate in order to get my money back.

We decided to test it today by walking to my parents house and to our disbelief, it worked! She struggled with it for a few minutes, trying to get the strap off of her nose, but soon realized her attempts were futile and gave up. When we started walking, she tried to pull her old tricks, but again, realized that it wasn't going to happen. Anytime she would start to pull, we'd put a little tension on her leash. That would pull her head slightly to the side, discouraging the pulling. After 5-6 times, she figured it out and walked like a proper lady dog. It was the most peaceful (and least painful) dog walk I have ever experienced! That was very impressive, but what sold it for me was when she saw another dog off in the distance. Usually that triggers an arm dislocation, but this time, we just put a little tension on the leash and watched as she walked calmly beside us. A miracle!

I would recommend this to anyone who has a crazy dog like Scout, who likes to pull or jump or bark a lot. I was totally surprised how well it worked, and how quickly it worked! Definitely worth the money to us! Yay! Now we can go for walks again without the fear of losing life and limb. Truly, the best thing ever!!


Andi said...

My friend Patricia RAVES about this thing- I wish I had remembered that to tell you a long time ago!