July 8, 2007

Our new addition...

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After months of debate, we finally got a new kitty today! Isn't he cute?!? We haven't decided on a name quite yet, but we are narrowing it down. Mike wants Charlie, Merlin, or Marley (a mixture of the two), and I want Crookshanks, Voldemort, or Hagrid (Harry Potter names!). Any other suggestions are quite welcome! So far he's getting along quite nicely with the other animals. Ringo is pretty indifferent to it all and Scout just isn't sure what it he is.

Here are some more photos; your dose of cuteness for the day!

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Hiding out

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Snuggling with Mike

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What a cutie!

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Nap time!


Perri said...

Perri is always a good name for a pet - not so much a person, but it's a good pet name.

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